Ellen DeGeneres, the fourth most divisive celebrity on the Forbes 100, has a net +19 among members of the Grand Ole Party — but Democrats have a very high opinion of her (net +75), resulting in a large net difference between both parties. DeGeneres, along with Lady Gaga, who also appears on the list, are two prominent figures in the LGBT community. Lifting up the rights of LGBT individuals is an important part of Democrats’ platform, and LGBT individuals overwhelmingly vote Democratic.

Unlike DeGeneres, Jay-Z is divisive not because he is overwhelmingly well loved by Democrats (with whom he has +32 net support) but because Republicans hold low opinions (net -16) of the rapper and producer.

Democrats tended to have higher opinions of Forbes 100 entertainers, ranking them at net +38 favorability on average, while Republicans gave the 100 names a favorability of net +24. This could be tied to the fact that Americans perceive Hollywood as more liberal compared to the country as a whole.

Of the 100 names on the list, only 10 figures were statistically more favored by Republicans than by Democrats, including television star Judy Sheindlin, or Judge Judy, and National Football League quarterbacks Drew Brees and Matt Ryan.
