With 11 seasons spanning over a decade, the American sitcom, Modern Family, proved to be a very popular TV show. Over the course of 10 years, all of the cast members underwent important changes, both physically and personality-wise, some of them growing up right in front of our eyes. Although the show ended in 2020, we were curious to see how the actors who played our favorite characters have changed since the first episode.
That’s why we at Bright Side decided to reveal how the actors who starred in the popular sitcom changed over the years.
1. Manny Delgado (Rico Rodriguez)
2. Luke Dunphy (Nolan Gould)
3. Gloria Delgado/Pritchett (Sofia Vergara)
4. Jay Pritchett (Ed O’Neill)
5. Claire Dunphy (Julie Bowen)
6. Phil Dunphy (Ty Burrell)
7. Cameron Tucker (Eric Stonestreet)
8. Mitchell Pritchett (Jesse Tyler Ferguson)
9. Lily Tucker-Pritchett (Ella and Jaden Hiller/Aubrey Anderson-Emmons)
10. Haley Dunphy (Sarah Hyland)
11. Dylan Marshall (Reid Ewing)
12. Alex Dunphy (Ariel Winter)
Do you like to watch Modern Family? Who is your favorite character from the show?
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