What happened to Trindad James's eye? The rapper wore a prosthetic eye in a music video and interviews.

Over the years, Trinidad James has been no stranger to headlines due to his eclectic fashion choices and hairstyles — from bedazzled manicures to his beloved press and curl.
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While it’s clear that Trinidad dances to the beat of his own drum, it hasn’t stopped folks from sharing their opinions online. So, it comes as no surprise that Trinidad has found himself to be a hot topic yet again thanks to a prosthetic eye.
So, what gives? What happened to Trinidad James’s face?
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Trinidad James donned a prosthetic eye in a music video and an interview, which had fans wondering if something happened to his face.
If you’re worried about Trinidad’s well-being or the appearance of his face, there’s nothing to see here.
Trinidad simply likes to take his creative expression to the next level.
In November 2019, Trinidad appeared as co-host of Full Size Run, a YouTube talk show created by Sole Collector. During his appearance, Trinidad helped interview NFL legend Deion Sanders.
Interestingly, Trinidad donned a prosthetic eye during the interview. However, the prosthetic eye is fake.
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Trinidad has not experienced injuries to his eyes that call for him to use a prosthetic eye.
Additionally, the star wore the same fake eye in his October 2019 music video for his track “UGLY” along with the album artwork for the project “Black Filter.”
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The music video follows a spooky theme with Trinidad appearing in mummy garb and the famous fake eye. Although the lyrics implicate Trinidad’s insecurities, the rapper told Complex that “the things [he] got clowned for are the things that made [him] successful.”
Essentially, the song serves as a method of boosting Trinidad's confidence.
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While Trinidad’s health is intact, he has openly defended drug use.
It’s no secret that Trinidad is a drug user. After all, his token lyric “popped a molly, I’m sweating,” has followed him throughout his career.
And while there have been tons of think pieces and op-eds criticizing drug use in hip-hop, Trinidad has always defended his right to use drugs, although he did say that “it’s not right.”
“I could stop smoking weed right now if I had to, but there's no reason for me to stop,” Trinidad told XXL Mag in May 2013. "I do it because it's good for me. At the end of the day, it's all about moderation and you being your goddamn self. Don't blame no rapper."
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He continued, “Some artists have made some of their most incredible music on drugs, so for me to say that drugs are messing up hip-hop, I'm not going to say that. It's just that some people really believe so much of what we say, and people honestly don't understand moderation.”